Between 1993 to 2019, SEEDS engaged in 57 unique projects. A majority of them (41 out of 57) supported educational and economic development in rural areas of Odisha, our primary focus. Odisha, being home to a lot of natural disasters, we continue to engage in a fair amount of disaster relief and rehabilitation efforts with an eye on prevention and sustainability. In addition, SEEDS supports efforts that empower women to help themselves and improve their economic condition, health, education, and confidence. Another area of focus has been to preserve and revive a few traditional but dying folk art forms, and use them to raise social awareness as well as generate income for artists.
Interestingly, because of the experimental and catalytic nature of support that SEEDS provides, the kind of projects funded varies from year to year showing spontaneity, flexibility, and adaptation to the needs. It is also difficult to label projects under a single category as a single project may have multiple focus, such as economic growth and empowerment training for women, or health education, or cultural art education, or income generation and food security after natural disasters.