Investing in Student Potential
SEEDS has played a role in reducing gaps in access to education among the poor children in many rural and tribal areas by providing catalytic support in various ways:
- Supporting Village Learning Centers in tribal areas starting during the pandemic time
- School infrastructure assistance (after natural disasters to prevent discontinuity in learning, or overcrowding)
- Adopt a Student program, bicycles for students for easier access to school
- Rural Math Talent Search (RMTS) and training camps for math talented students
- Scholarships for students at various levels (secondary school, college for different professions.)
Reducing Digital Gap
SEEDS is also introducing ‘appropriate technology’ in rural areas without the Internet to reduce the widening digital gap and improve access to information through its eLibrary initiative. The Mahatma Gandhi eLibrary is our most recent addition. In the words of Prof. Priyadarshan Patra, the creator of the eLibrary initiative:
“I created two “eLibraries-in-a-box” systems — each consisting of three categories of components: the electronics hardware, the operating systems and management tools, and the digital content. I have tried to build these items from high-performance and flexible components but have tried to keep it low cost, low-power, and low-footprint. We are making these systems so that they can be deployed in remotest areas where the internet is not available or is very expensive or slow — therefore, much of our capabilities as well as educational content is self-contained within a highly-efficient system. The Internet can help provide additional experiences but is not necessary.”
For more information on the eLibrary, click here.