“Women can play a significant role in sustainable and wholesome development. When empowered, they can act as agents of change and become instruments for progress.” Says Sri Gopal Mohanty, who brought the Mahila Shanti Sena (MSS) movement to Odisha.
SEEDS has supported kick starting income generation projects benefiting women members of self-help groups by giving them small loans through the precursor of an organization called Amara Biswas, which has pioneered the nano finance concept.
Another successful women centered project of SEEDS is supporting leadership training camps for women engaged in a grassroots women’s movement called Mahila Shanti Sena (MSS) or Women’s Peace Brigade in Odisha.
The MSS training camps focus on leadership development, institution building, conflict resolution, importance of Gramsabha in ensuring participation in decision making process, exercising rights over accessing basic minimum services such as health and sanitation, safe drinking water, and education.
SEEDS has been supporting this movement since 2015 through the help of our Partner organization Unnayana. Hundreds of women have found strength and solidarity and are taking action to improve the conditions of their neighborhoods and build healthier communities working together and inspiring one another. For more information about this project click here.